Partner with The Mindful Body Massage!

Massage can be a great addition to your business. The benefits of massage to mental and physical well being are immeasurable. Whether you want to incorporate massage for the benefit of your clients or employees, I can guarantee it will be an addition to your business that will give you a positive edge above the rest. When you partner with The Mindful Body Massage, I will feature your business on my website and be sure to promote your business to my clients.

Partner With Us!
Fleur de Clean LogoThe Journey Within Logo

Partner with Us!

Interested in adding Massage as a perk in your business? Send us an email to inquire about how partnering works and how we can tailor our services to your specific needs! Whether you want to show your employees your appreciation for them through massage, or you want to collaborate to offer joint services, The Mindful Body Massage is ready to meet your needs and excited to work with you!

Subject:I want to partner with The Mindful Body Massage!


I want to show my employees my appreciation for them through massage.

SendSend us an email

Our Partners

Fleur de Clean is more than just a home cleaning company, they are a must have service that is dedicated to making your home become your haven. Fleur de Clean will tailor their services to your specific needs, big or small. We have partnered together to be able to offer you an inclusive service that brings stress relief to a whole new level with our joint packages that offer massage while your home is being cleaned. Book a free consultation with Fleur de Clean today and be sure to inquire about cleaning packages that include massage!

*If you prefer to have your massage on a different day than your cleaning service, we will work with you on booking times and availability.

The Journey Within is made up of an amazing team of practitioners that are passionate about helping people heal. Through their ketamine assisted therapy, they continually do all they can to help their patients reach new levels of healing and peace. With a shared belief in the mind and body connection, we have decided to partner and offer packages that combine the healing power of ketamine assisted therapy and massage. Our bodies hold stress and trauma within them. When we heal our minds, we simultaneously can help our bodies to release pain and heal as well. Let massage help your body release the stress and trauma it’s holding, and call The Journey Within to book your Ketamine assisted therapy with massage today!